Sunday, January 20, 2008

What is ART?

So here's the age old question...What is art? I had this discussion at my school recently when a rep from the Springville Art Museum came to train us on some ways to teach art to students. She asked, "What is considered art?" She held up several objects, like a dollar bill, a water bottle, and a replica of a terracotta warrior from China. She gave us a scale from 1-10 to rate these objects on, 1 being the most indicative of art , 10 being the least (or purely function). I think this was an interesting discussion because our views differed so much. A dollar bill is used for the function of buying things, right? But if it's only purpose was functionality, then it could be a simple piece of paper with an amount printed on it. So why are there people, designs, even colors on the bills if it is not also art? With a water bottle, yes, it is for drinking water. But are the curves of the bottle simply for ergonomic comfort or do they have a certain artistic element to them as well? What about a replica of a warrior? Is that art, or a token for remembrance? Even the real terracotta warriors - are they art because they are old and have been dug out of the ground and are displayed in museums? Their function was not to be artistic, they were guarding the Chinese Emperor Qin Shi Huangdi’s glorious tomb. Yet to many, they could be considered as art.

Even within the "art world" there is debate: are Jackson Pollock's flung paint and Andy Warhol's soup cans art? Compared to the masterpieces such as Michaelangelo's David (which is probably the most beautiful piece of art I have ever seen in my whole life) Van Gogh's Starry Night, Degas' The Dance Class, Botticelli's Birth of Venus, and Monet's Water Lilies, how can it be art? Yet it is, somehow. Wikipedia defines art as "Generally art is a (product of) human activity, made with the intention of stimulating the human senses as well as the human mind; by transmitting emotions and/or ideas."

So is everything art? If it is, then does the value of art diminish? Big questions for which I have no answers. But I did find a fun quiz to check whether something is art or not. Check it out:


Shellie and Bryan said...

Hey Kimm!
I just found your blog and I am so glad. I hope you are doing well. Thanks for being such a great visiting teacher way back when. You are awesome!

Rita said...

Well, Kimm, I guess art is truly in the "eye of the beholder". I just have to ask if that eye is "single to the glory of God" or on the money, or on the shock value, or on true art, which I believe should show a reverence for God's creations (which can also include abstract art).

I love some of these paintings, done by a 4+ year old girl.
She obviously loves painting and creating. It makes her happy. I wish I could be so uninhibited!

Shellie and Bryan said...

I am doing great! Its good to hear from you. I am keeping busy with work and all and of course keeping a very attractive husband happy and full;) Life is wonderful. How are you?